Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Export to Excel in Lotus Notes [LS]

The following is the Agent which is used to import the datas from excel using xpages.

1. Create an excel sheet relevant to the Form

2. Write the following code in the Agent
Sub Initialize
Print “agent is runing”
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set doc = New NotesDocument(db)
Dim One As String
Dim xlFilename As String
Dim filepath As Variant
Dim row As Integer
Dim written As Integer
‘// Connect to Excel and open the file. Start pulling over the records.
Dim Excel As Variant
Dim xlWorkbook As Variant
Dim xlSheet As Variant
‘filepath=ws.Openfiledialog(False, ” Open excel file” ,”*.xls”, “E:\New Folder”, “employeeDetails.xls”)
filepath=”E:\New Folder\Emp_Details.xls”
Print “File path is :” +filepath
Print “Connecting to Excel…”
Set Excel = createobject( “Excel.Application” )
Excel.Visible = False ‘// Don’t display the Excel window
print “Opening ” & xlFilename & “…”
Excel.Workbooks.Open(xlFilename) ‘// Open the Excel file
Set xlWorkbook = Excel.ActiveWorkbook
Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.ActiveSheet
‘// Cycle through the rows of the Excel file, pulling the data over to Notes
GoTo Records
print “Disconnecting from Excel…”
xlWorkbook.Close False ‘// Close the Excel file without saving (we made no changes)
Excel.Quit ‘// Close Excel
Set Excel = Nothing ‘// Free the memory
row = 1 ‘// Integers intialize to zero
written = 0
‘MsgBox “Starting import from Excel file…”
Do While True
With xlSheet
row = row + 1
Set doc = db.createdocument ‘// Create a new doc
doc.Form = “frm_employeeDetails”
If .Cells( row, 1 ).Value=”" Then
Exit Sub
End If = .Cells( row, 1 ).Value
doc.department = .Cells(row, 2 ).Value
doc.designation = .Cells(row, 3).value
doc.mobno = .Cells(row, 4).Value
Call doc.Save( True, True ) ‘// Save the new doc
‘GoTo Done
written = written + 1
Print Str(written)
If .Cells( row, 1 ).Value = “” Then
GoTo Done
End If
End With
print “Import Complete – Total number of documents imported —> ” & written
End Sub

Sub Initialize

Print “agent is runing”

Dim session As New NotesSession

Dim db As NotesDatabase

Dim view As NotesView

Dim doc As NotesDocument

Set db = session.CurrentDatabase

Set doc = New NotesDocument(db)

Dim One As String

Dim xlFilename As String

Dim filepath As Variant

Dim row As Integer

Dim written As Integer

‘// Connect to Excel and open the file. Start pulling over the records.

Dim Excel As Variant

Dim xlWorkbook As Variant

Dim xlSheet As Variant

‘filepath=ws.Openfiledialog(False, ” Open excel file” ,”*.xls”, “E:\New Folder”, “employeeDetails.xls”)\\Gine the Folder name here

filepath=”E:\New Folder\Emp_Details.xls”


Print “File path is :” +filepath

Print “Connecting to Excel…”

Set Excel = createobject( “Excel.Application” )

Excel.Visible = False ‘// Don’t display the Excel window

print “Opening ” & xlFilename & “…”

Excel.Workbooks.Open(xlFilename) ‘// Open the Excel file

Set xlWorkbook = Excel.ActiveWorkbook

Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.ActiveSheet

‘// Cycle through the rows of the Excel file, pulling the data over to Notes

GoTo Records

print “Disconnecting from Excel…”

xlWorkbook.Close False ‘// Close the Excel file without saving (we made no changes)

Excel.Quit ‘// Close Excel

Set Excel = Nothing ‘// Free the memory


row = 1 ‘// Integers intialize to zero

written = 0

Do While True


With xlSheet

row = row + 1

Set doc = db.createdocument ‘// Create a new doc

doc.Form = “frm_employeeDetails”

If .Cells( row, 1 ).Value=”" Then

Exit Sub

End If = .Cells( row, 1 ).Value

doc.department = .Cells(row, 2 ).Value

doc.designation = .Cells(row, 3).value

doc.mobno = .Cells(row, 4).Value

Call doc.Save( True, True ) ‘// Save the new doc

‘GoTo Done

written = written + 1

Print Str(written)

If .Cells( row, 1 ).Value = “” Then

GoTo Done

End If

End With




print “Import Complete – Total number of documents imported —> ” & written

End Sub
1. Create one button in Xpage and add the following code in the PostSaveDocument in the DataSource in the page which is used to execute the agent
var agen=database.getAgent(”[agentNae]“);
var uid=document2.getDocument().getNoteID();;

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