Friday, December 30, 2011

Anotomy of Note ID

Actual Note Id information of a document will be displayed as follows,

ID: OF0000039D:3836C29F-ON85255DC9:0056FB94

There are 6 parts in note ID. They are

1. UNID (Universal Note ID)

UNID consists of originator File and originator note.(1st Line)

    Universal Note ID (UNID) =
    ID: OF0000039D:3836C29F-ON85255DC9:0056FB94

Every replica of a note has the same UNID, and the UNID does not change when a note is modified.

2. OID (Originator ID)

OID = UNID + Sequence No and Sequence Time

    Originator ID (OID) =
    ID: OF0000039D:3836C29F-ON85255DC9:0056FB94

Every replica of a note has the same OID, but the OID changes when the note is modified.

The changes will occur only in Sequence No and Sequence Time part not in UNID.

3. NID (Note ID)

Note ID =
ID: OF0000039D:3836C29F-ON85255DC9:0056FB94

The NID does not contain information about the database being referred to, and it does not change when the note is modified.

4. GNID (Global Note ID)

GNID = Database ID + NID

    Global Note ID (GNID) =
    ID: OF0000039D:3836C29F-ON85255DC9:0056FB94

The GNID does not change as the note is modified. The GNIDs of replica copies of a note will probably be different, since the various copies will occupy different positions in their databases.

5. IID (Instance ID)

The Instance ID consists of the note’s modification TIMEDATE and the note ID.

The IID does not contain information about the database being referred to. The IID changes when the note is modified

6. GIID (Global Instance ID)

The GIID contains information about the database being referred to. The GIID changes when the note is modified

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